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About Me

About me

Hi folks, great to e-connect. I’m Maya, your quintessential girl next door. I am a skincare and Yoga enthusiast. I am often complimented that my skin looks like that of a 20-year-old, although I am 42. But this was not always the case. Since turning 40, I experienced many challenges such as pigmentation, dryness of skin, and dry patches, etc. So, I started taking skincare seriously, following a simple regime but with dedication and consistency. Within 6 to 8 months, the results started showing, and in 2 years’ time, I was almost a different person.

The reason for writing this blog is to share my experiences with like-minded friends who are passionate about skincare. I have researched and used very specific products, getting amazing results, and I would like to share them with you. So ladies, the best time to start a skincare routine was 20 years ago. The next best is right now. Hop on board.