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Does hyaluronic acid brighten the skin?

Does hyaluronic acid brighten the skin?

Hyaluronic acid has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. So the most asked question is does HA brighten skin or reduce pigmentation? The simple answer is no.

Let me explain to you what is the role of HA is in our skin.

What is Hyaluronic acid?

In essence, HA is a humectant that is present in the skin’s dermis layer. The skin’s second layer is called the dermis. Compared to the epidermis, it is 10–40 times thicker. The fibers and proteins that make up the skin  are collagen, which gives the skin its structural framework, and elastin, which gives the skin its elastic qualities. The medium in which elastin and collagen is found is called hyaluronic acid. .HA is essentially a sugar molecule with lot of elastin and collagen and these are responsible for tightness, elasticity, and suppleness of the skin.

The humectant properties of HA allow every molecule of hyaluronic acid to bind up to 1,000 times its weight in water. These are responsible for the hydration, suppleness, and water retention of the skin.      

Production of collagen and HA decreases with age, leading to reduced water retention, resulting in wrinkles, dryness, fine lines, and volume loss. Older people have less HA in their joints and
skin. This is why a baby’s skin is plump while an older person’s skin is not.This damage is also accelerated by exposure to sunlight and smoking, etc.

Therefore, the  topical application of hyaluronic acid serum does not play any role in lightening the skin tone or reducing pigmentation. It simply hydrates the skin and makes it look healthier, plumper, and dewier. However, the effect of topical application are temporary, lasting only about  24 to 36 hours.

Key Points About Hyaluronic Acid Serum:

  • HA doesn’t directly brighten skin or reduce pigmentation.
  • The focus is on hydration.
  • Short-term effect in the case of topical application.

Has hyaluronic acid helped your wrinkles?

In the dermis, hyaluronic acid occurs naturally. It plays a crucial role in keeping the cells together and making sure the skin stays firm. When you apply HA serum to your face, it acts like a water magnet, holding onto the water from the products applied to the skin, giving your skin a plump, hydrated look, making the wrinkles and fine lines less noticeable. The plumpness and hydration you notice will usually disappear after 24 to 36 hours. Though in the case of Hyaluronic acid injections, the effect stays for 6 months, so it is not an anti-aging solution.

What is the correct way to apply hyaluronic acid?

It is essential to apply hyaluronic acid (HA) correctly in order to maximize its effectiveness and benefits to your skin. As a humectant, HA attracts moisture from the skin’s deeper layers and the surrounding environment, increasing skin hydration. For best effects, use HA on a damp face. This approach allows HA to quickly hydrate the skin by absorbing water from the skin’s outer layer. Moisturize after applying HA. The moisturizer works as a protective layer, keeping the HA and skin moisture from escaping. This sealing effect also allows HA to take additional moisture from the moisturizer, ensuring maximum hydration benefits.

Oily Skin

The next question is: Should people with oily skin use Hyaluronic Acid (HA)? The answer is yes, because even oily skin can get dehydrated. To get the benefit of HA, apply it to damp skin and then follow with a moisturizer containing dimethicone. This maintains moisture without adding oil, resulting in a matte finish.

Dry Skin

Now let’s discuss dry skin. People with dry skin must exercise extreme caution when applying HA, since inappropriate application may cause the skin to dry out even more.
Assume you live in a dry area with low humidity. in that case, simply using Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and sealing it with any moisturizer may not be sufficient. The HA and moisturizer may evaporate due to the dry air, leaving the skin dehydrated. To minimize skin damage from dry weather, keep a little humidifier in your workplace and home. Second, using an occlusive moisturizer, such as one that is paraffin-based, can help prevent your moisturizer from evaporating by building a barrier on the skin.

Key Points About Hyaluronic Acid Serum:

Oily skin:
1. Apply to damp skin and follow with a dimethicone-containing moisturizer.-

Dry Skin
Use a humidifier if you are in dry area
 Follow with a occlusive moisturizer to seal in the hydration.

Bonus: These points are particularly relevant if you live in a dry area with low humidity, as it emphasizes the importance of additional methods to retain moisture.

Does hyaluronic acid cause skin lightening?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) does not lighten the skin, despite what many brands claim. It only gives a temporary plumping effect, which is barely noticeable. If you’re in an air-conditioned or dry environment all day, HA can actually dry out your skin instead of keeping it hydrated. So, don’t waste your money on it—it won’t give you lasting results. Instead, a glycerin- or urea-based cream is a much better option for keeping your skin truly moisturized.